Reflections In Time Seattle
I miss my son, he was a soul who I admired so deeply, he was my buddy and we used to go shoot this building together, it took me almost 2 years to go back to it and I live in Queen Anne Seattle just minutes away, and I couldn't, it has been so hard to look at my city, my city was once all joyous and good, now it has become sad and forlorn although I have heard it gets easier, it has not. Ian and I shared a favourite song, it was Red Hot Chilie Pepper's "Under The Bridge" a song about cities and loving your city, so this city; as much as I love it, it kills my soul all at once, I like to catch reflections latley, it seems to be a slight obsession but in reality it relates to my love of my son and reflecting on the many things he taught me, the enormous amount of respect he showed me and his generous beautiful heart of which I miss so much that some days it is amazing I still live.